This page provides comprehensive PostgreSQL string functions that help you effectively manipulate text data.
Section 1. Extracting Strings #
This section introduces the functions for extracting a substring from a string.
- LEFT(string, n) – Returns the first
characters of the string. - RIGHT(string, n) – Returns the last
characters of the string. - SUBSTRING() – Returns a substring from a string using various options.
Section 2. Case Manipulation Functions #
This section shows how to convert a string to lowercase, uppercase, and initial caps.
- LOWER(string) – Returns a new string with all characters in the input string converted to lowercase.
- UPPER(string) – Returns a new string with all characters in the input string converted to uppercase.
- INITCAP(string) – Return a new string with the letter of each word in the input string to uppercase and the remainder to lowercase.
Section 3. Finding Strings #
- POSITION(substring IN string) – Returns the starting location of the first instance of a substring in a string.
Section 4. Trimming Strings #
This section introduces various string trimming functions to remove specified characters from the start, end, or both ends of a string.
- TRIM([LEADING | TRAILING | BOTH] [characters] FROM string) – Removes unwanted characters (or whitespace by default) from the beginning, end, or both ends of a string.
- BTRIM(string[, characters]) – Removes the specified characters from both ends of a string.
- LTRIM(string[, characters]) – Removes the specified characters from the start of a string.
- RTRIM(string[, characters]) – Removes the specified characters from the end of a string.
Section 5. Formatting Strings #
This section shows you how to pad a string on the left or right with specified characters.
- LPAD(string, length[, fill]) – Pads the string on the left with the specified characters until the result string has a certain length.
- RPAD(string, length[, fill]) – Pads the string on the right with the specified characters until the result string has a certain length.
- FORMAT(format, format_arg [, …]) – Returns a formatted string.
- TO_CHAR(value, format) – Formats a value such as a date, time, timestamp, number to a formatted string.
Section 6. Replacing, Repeating, and Overlaying Functions #
- REPLACE(string, substring, new_substring) – Replaces all occurrences of a substring in an input string with a new one.
- TRANSLATE(string, from_set, to_set) – Returns a string in which all characters in the
are replaced by the corresponding characters in theto_set
set. - REPEAT(string, number) – Repeats the given string a specified number of times.
- OVERLAY(original PLACING replacement FROM start [FOR length]) – Replaces a substring specified by a starting position and length with a new substring.
Section 7. String Concatenation Functions #
- CONCAT(s1, s2, …) – Returns a string that is concatenated from multiple strings.
- CONCAT_WS(separator, s1, s2, …) – Returns a string that is the result of concatenating two or more strings with a separator.
Section 8. Regular Expression Functions #
- REGEXP_MATCH(string, pattern [, flags]) – Returns an array of all substrings that match a regular expression pattern.
- REGEXP_MATCHES(string, pattern [, flags]) – Returns a set of arrays of all substrings in a string, which matches a regular expression pattern.
- REGEXP_REPLACE(string, pattern, replacement [, flags]) – Replaces substrings that match a regular expression pattern with a new string.
- REGEXP_SPLIT_TO_ARRAY(string, pattern [, flags]) – Splits a string into an array of substrings using a POSIX regular expression as the delimiter.
- REGEXP_SPLIT_TO_TABLE(string, pattern [, flags]) – Splits a string into multiple rows (a set of text values) based on a regular expression delimiter.
Section 9. Length and Character Functions #
- LENGTH(string) – Returns the number of characters in the string.
- ASCII(string) – Returns the ASCII code of the first character of the string.
- CHR(integer) – Returns the character corresponding to the given ASCII (or Unicode) code.
- REVERSE(string) – Returns a new string with the characters of the input string are in reverse order.
Section 10. Quoting Functions #
- QUOTE_IDENT(string) – Safely quote SQL identifiers.
- QUOTE_LITERAL(string) – Produces a safely escaped version of a literal string for inclusion in SQL commands.
- QUOTE_NULLABLE(string) – Similar to
but returns a ‘NULL’ string if the input isNULL
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